
Logan is finally here! My poor sister could not carry him any longer. We were expecting an average 7 lb baby but he shocked us when he came out weighing over 9 lbs!
I'm an auntie for the fifth time. Time does fly!

We've been staying pretty busy this month. First of all, my dear Cameron broke his thumb playing indoor soccer. He had surgery about a month ago and his thumb is healing well. I will kill him if he breaks it again. That hospital bill is not small! Glad that we have savings.

I've also started going to the gym, well, sort of. I signed up last month and so far I've gone a total of 4 times! I'm averaging once a week. Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself ( I'm saying this with a sarcastic tone).

I'm still not prego. No bun in the oven. I am not "stuffed" as Cam would say. It's ok. Babies will come when they come.

Oh yeah! Today is Marc's Birthday. Wow he is now 28. Congrats Marcus. You're the best and you and Nan make cute babies.

Ok. I'm done.


Hyrum and Elsie said…
'bout time sis! thanks for the update. post more pics and say something i dont know... lol ! SORRY TYPING WITH ONE HAND, THAT NURSING AND BEING ON THE NET DONT GO TOGETHER...

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